Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Still Waiting

Well it's been quite a journey. I've had several hiccups trying to find housing, but I think we've got a place - a townhouse to move into tomorrow. It's kinda small but there's a pool and tennis courts and stuff which will be good for the boys. It's been rough living out of our car and hotels for the past several days, but I know The Lord is faithful to accomplish his work in us and I know the place he has for us is exactly where we're meant to be. Just trying to keep my thankfulness up and the stress down. Thanks to everyone for prayers and support . I do have tuition deadline coming up in another two weeks so prayer in that area is appreciated. Hugs and kisses from Cali!! 


  1. Great to read the update! Been thinking of you all a lot! Keeping the prayers going here too! I'm leaving on Friday to head to Ohio to see Jacob before he leave for Fire Fighting School on Tuesday. Then next Wednesday, I'll be in Traverse City for a week working with my client before she heads back to Alabama. I'm sad that you won't be there to visit for my own selfish reason, but also rejoice that you are following your path and moving forward. Hug and kiss the boys from me! XOXO

    1. Ty sweetie!! Wish I was there to see you too! Hope you have a great visit!! Congrats to Jacob for his achievements!! I know you are so proud!! Love you bunches! Give Rick a hello and a hug from me.
