Saturday, November 16, 2013

Missions to South Africa

Hello All,

I know it's been a while since I blogged. Life has been so incredibly busy since we moved here, but so, so good. I wrote a Facebook status last month about my mission trip assignment at Bethel and what that looked like for me. Here's the post. What I want to do now is to share with you my growing heart for this missions trip and what my needs are as far as funding.

I had a meeting Thursday night at Rich & Danielle Schmidt's house for our first missions trip meeting. They are the pastor couple who will be leading our group next spring. I met just under 20 others who will be going, some of whom I already know. God really stirred up my heart during this meeting with hints of how profound this trip is and what my part to play in it may be.

It is an honor to serve on this team. Here's a breakdown of my trip and the costs:

As you can see, my first deposit deadline is Nov. 19th and I'm supposed to have $275 raised - so far I have $0. The Lord has already performed great financial miracles in my life thus far getting me from Traverse City to Redding, and in providing supernaturally for much of my tuition so far. The Lord has provided for me so far over $3,000 toward tuition, much of which has come from support from you and others. He has graciously made available to me a payment schedule for my tuition of $330 per month until it's paid off. I still owe $1360.00 toward tuition and now my missions trip is $2,750.00. It seems and feels huge and out of my reach, but thank God I am a daughter to the richest man in the universe!! My King Jesus is ruler over all and I know he delights in providing for me.

I want to invite you to partner with me in my journey toward the center of God for my life. Coming to Bethel was the best decision I ever made and I know I am in the center of his will for me right now, and honestly it feels amazing. To those of you back home who continually love and support and pray for me, my love for you is too immense to describe in words. We have truly become part of one body, learning to love and serve each other as true sons and daughters. I love you and thank God for you every day.

Bless you and thank you for following my journey! xo Jen

To Donate towards Missions or Tuition here's the link:

You can click on dante to missions or donate to tuition - both are still needed! :-) Thank you.

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